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author RocketCert Staff
date 05.25.2022

Electricians in South Carolina are employed across many industries and fields, and they earn a respectable income. When someone wants to obtain an electrical contractor license in South Carolina, there are special steps they must take and requirements they must meet. 

The South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation is the entity that issues contractor licenses, and there are two types of licenses for electricians: residential and mechanical. A residential license will allow you to work on people’s homes, and a mechanical license will allow you to do commercial work.

Licensure for a residential electrical contractor license in South Carolina requires passing a technical exam as well as the Business and Law exam. You will also need to provide proof of one year of related work experience.

If you are interested in obtaining a mechanical electrical contractor license in South Carolina, you will need to pass the technical exam and the Business and Law exam, and you will need to provide proof of two years of hands-on job experience.

Types of Electrical Certifications and Licenses in South Carolina

In addition to the two types of licenses already mentioned (the mechanical and the residential licenses), there are also two different electrician certifications that the state offers professionals. These are the Journeyman Electrician Certification and the Master Electrician Certification.

Journeyman Electrician Certification

For the Journeyman Electrician Certification, professionals will need to demonstrate that they have at least 4,000 hours of electrical trade work experience. Alternatively, they can provide proof of 2,000 hours of work experience plus proof of a two-year associate degree from a qualified trade school.

Journeyman electricians are certified by the Municipal Association of South Carolina. Once you have met the work requirements, you can fill out an application to take the South Carolina Journeyman Exam. After you pass this examination and receive your certification, that certification must be renewed every year.

Master Electrician Certification

If you are interested in earning a Master Electrician Certification, you will first need to gain four years of experience as a certified journeyman electrician. In addition, you will need to make sure that you have knowledge of the National Electrical Code and regulations that pertain to your state and the local area.

The Municipal Association of South Carolina also administers certifications for master electricians. Once you’ve worked as a journeyman electrician for four years, you can apply to take the master electrician exam. After you pass that exam and receive your master electrician certification, you will need to renew that certification every two years.

Prepare for Your South Carolina Electrician Exams

Passing the tests the first time you take them is essential; if you don’t pass an exam and you need to reapply to take it again, it will delay your licensure or certification. Make sure you’re prepared by having the best materials at your disposal.

Sign up with RocketCert today for the most comprehensive South Carolina electrician exam prep materials available.