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author RocketCert Staff
date 04.28.2022

Recently, the city government of Seattle decided to adopt the 2018 Seattle Plumbing Code (SPC). This code is based on the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC). 

The most recent version of the UPC was developed in 2018 by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO).

The 2018 version of the UPC is an updated form of the previous 2015 version. The Uniform Plumbing Code can be purchased through the IAPMO’s online store.

The SPC is an important step in providing thorough and effective water supply regulations.

The Aims of the 2018 Seattle Plumbing Code 

The 2018 Seattle Plumbing Code is a standardized code published for use in the city of Seattle. The goal of this code is to prevent dangerous problems that can happen while working with plumbing systems.

By providing safety regulations, the SPC ensures that plumbing work is done safely and responsibly. The 2018 SPC regulates the following elements of the plumbing industry:

  • System design
  • Construction parameters
  • Installation procedures
  • Quality of materials
  • Location of systems
  • Best practices for plumbing system operations

Now that the city has decided to adopt the SPC, these regulations are active within the city of Seattle.

The Water Demand Calculator in the Seattle Plumbing Code

Because the code is based on the 2018 UPC, it introduces amendments to the IAPMO code. These amendments are specific to Washington state and the city of Seattle. 

It also introduces a new Peak Water Demand Calculator. This element is detailed in Appendix M of the 2018 SPC. This calculator is intended to estimate water usage and pipe sizing. 

In fact, the calculator offers the first significant update for regulated plumbing size since the 1940s. This type of regulatory update is an example of IAPMO’s commitment to:

  • Improved water quality
  • Increased drinking water safety
  • Reduction of construction costs
  • Consumer energy conservation
  • Water conservation
  • Saving consumers money

The Peak Water Demand Calculator provides predictors for typical water use in different structures. It can be used to predict peak water usage for both single-family and multi-family structures. 

These predictions show peak demand for dwellings with efficient water fixtures. This information is invaluable. Research suggests that efficient fixtures can result in significant savings for homeowners. 

Efficiency is also a crucial element in potable water conservation.

Seattle on the Cutting-Edge 

IAPMO Field Services Manager Jed Scheuermann has praised the city of Seattle for adopting the 2018 SPC. 

Specifically, Scheuermann applauded the inclusion of Appendix M’s Peak Water Demand Calculator. He noted that this feature “puts Seattle on the cutting edge of sustainability and resiliency.” 

The regulations outlined in the 2018 Seattle Plumbing Code build on the IAPMO’s uniform standards. As noted above, these guidelines help to promote crucial reductions in potable water usage. 

IAPMO’s Uniform Plumbing Code 

IAPMO’s Uniform Plumbing Code is updated and republished every three years. This code is designed to ensure the safety and efficacy of plumbing systems. 

Updates to the UPC are determined by the consensus of experts. This process is accredited by the American National Standards Institute. As a result, the UPC takes many viewpoints into account.

The IAPMO also understands the role of new technology and innovation in plumbing system regulations. Since its origin in 1945, the Uniform Plumbing Code has provided best practices for the plumbing industry.

This code guides industry professionals and protects consumers. As the adoption of the 2018 SPC shows, sustainability and resource conservation are now at the center of these regulatory frameworks.

If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of the 2018 Seattle Plumbing Code, consider studying for a Washington Plumbing license.  You can also check out our Guide to Getting a Journeyman Washington Plumbing License

RocketCert offers comprehensive training for contractors and plumbing professionals. We provide industry-leading instruction and Washington continuing education opportunities. 

RocketCert provides reliable and high-quality exam prep. We can help you to secure your contractor’s license through the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries. Contact us today.