Product details

SKU: 0064641333
Manufacturer Name: NFPA
***OUT OF PRINT*** In addition to updating rules for in-building fire emergency voice/alarm communication systems, a new Emergency Communications System chapter addresses in-building and wide-area MNSs.


The 2010 NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code presents the most extensive change to the Code since the 1993 edition, with a new scope and revised organization. Besides the core focus on fire alarm systems, this edition adds requirements for Mass Notification Systems (MNS) used for weather emergencies; terrorist events; biological, chemical, and nuclear emergencies; and other threats. NFPA 72's broader coverage is reflected in a new Code title. In addition to updating rules for in-building fire emergency voice/alarm communication systems, a new Emergency Communications System chapter addresses in-building and wide-area MNSs.