As we have discussed before, entering the trades is a great option post-graduation. Vocational school is a fancy way of saying trade school, which usually lasts two years. In the United States, vocational schools teach the skills necessary to help students acquire jobs in specific industries.
Federal involvement is carried out through the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act. This act aims to increase the quality of technical education within the United States to help the economy. Choosing the right vocational school is the key to success. Whether it’s selecting a school in your hometown or choosing a school in a city you’ve always wanted to live in, the options are endless.
Researching to find the perfect vocational school will take you a long way. Looking up the schools in the area you want to live in, or looking up schools that specialize in what you want to do are excellent places to start. Recently, Forbes listed the Pittsburgh Institute of Aeronautics as the top trade school in the country. The best trade school to become an electrician is Emily Griffith Technical College, located in Denver, Colorado. The Elite Welding Academy is the top vocational school for welding located in Cincinnati, Ohio.
If you know where you want to live and what you want to do, the search for a vocational school should be pretty simple! The hardest part is deciding these things at the age of 18, when you are finishing high school. If you aren’t ready to go to college quite yet because you have not decided what you want your future to look like, you can always begin working in the real world and get some hands-on experience that can help you choose. The future is up to you, and while that can seem a bit scary, keep in mind that a vocational school is an excellent option if you want to enter the trades.
At RocketCert, we set out to create the ultimate resources for anyone looking to obtain and maintain a professional license. We will be a great resource if you are interested in becoming a tradesperson. Head to our website for information on all of the certifications we can help you achieve.