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author RocketCert Staff
date 04.30.2020

As we have seen in nearly every other industry, contractors and construction workers are being heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Over 7 million people make up the construction industry in the United States. With many states requiring non-essential businesses to close and citizens to stay at home, many construction projects have been put on hold. Many construction companies are working around the clock to ensure the success of the company while providing employees a safe way to earn a living. Let’s look at what is contributing to the slowdown.

Building material delays and shortages

China, the world leader in manufacturing, had to halt a large majority of the manufacturing across the country, in turn stalling the supply chain that provides many U.S. companies with the good and materials required to conduct daily business. In 2017 China sold the U.S. nearly $1 billion in steel and hundreds of billions in other products such as engines, parts, valves, and motors that quite literally drive the progress of construction sites across the country. According to ConstructionDive, up to 80 percent of some U.S. construction companies’ materials are imported from China. The availability of these materials and parts are crucial to the success of the construction industry and replacing them can have huge financial impacts on the contracting companies

Closed borders and limited international travel

While international borders are closed face-to-face interactions have all but stopped. In an industry characterized by on-site meetings and long hours at the jobsite, the shift to virtual interactions has historically been slow moving. The building process relies on licensed professionals having the ability to physically inspect the progress and integrity of the structures, something that as of right now cannot be done via the internet.

General uncertainty

Each day brings new knowledge and hope for bringing an end to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, not only locally but world-wide. In the meantime, many clients have mixed feelings about moving forward with costly construction if the economy cannot overcome this hurdle. Lenders, buyers, and even builders are concerned about the long-term consequences of pausing the global economy for such a long period of time. Finances are being reallocated within companies to reinforce more vital facets of businesses across the globe. These protective measures have saved countless lives, yet they come at a cost, and we are tasked with finding a new “normal” amid a crisis.

Worker safety

There is no easy “one-man job” on a construction site. Since social distancing is so essential to keeping the spread of the virus under control, some construction work is being delayed or temporarily postponed ensuring the safety of workers on site.

RocketCert is here to help professionals and lifelong learners across many industries. We understand this pandemic is widespread and devastating. With everyone doing their part to stay home and social distance, we are confident the workforce can come back even stronger than before!