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author RocketCert Staff
date 12.30.2019

  1. You learn more than you thought you could.

When going through a licensing or certification process, you will deepen and widen your knowledge of the field. You will learn more about topics that you were already familiar with, and you will be introduced to new ideas you weren’t. 

  1. You will build a deeper trust with your clients.

No matter the field, holding a certification or license will always deepen the trust your clients have for you. Plus, potential clients will be more intrigued by your work when they see how dedicated and knowledgeable you are about the job. 

  1. Your earning potential will grow.

Not only will you stand out among other applicants for jobs, but your earning potential grows tremendously when you obtain a license or certification. However, be sure to keep in mind how long your license or certification is active. Ensure that you get it renewed on time, EVERY time.

  1. Your career path has a brighter future.

You will be more confident in the work that you do because not only will you be more knowledgeable, but you will have more experience. Plus, you will have many more opportunities in the future based on the previous work you have done and the license under your belt! 

  1.  You are viewed as more committed.

When obtaining a license or certification, you seem extremely dedicated and passionate about your work. Potential clients and employers will be impressed!

  1. You may not even have to pay for the licensing.

The company you work for may actually be willing to pay the financial costs of becoming certified or licensed in your job. This is because many employers strive for their employees to be properly trained and equipped for the job to attract new clients and avoid any legal issues.

  1. You can relocate easily.

Most licenses and certifications are applicable either nationwide or statewide. This opens up many doors for you if you were to want or be forced to move to a different city. Plus, having work experience in other areas across the state or country looks great on a resume.

Hopefully, we have convinced you that taking that next step in your career is worth it. Get licensed or certified in your field of work, and become a pro at what you do!