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author RocketCert Staff
date 07.29.2024

If you’re in the market for a home, you might consider things like the style and size of the property or whether your kids will love the backyard. It’s also important for homebuyers to look for unseen issues beneath the picturesque surface that could turn a dream home into a nightmare.

In most cases, a home inspection will catch these serious issues before they become your problem, but inspections aren’t always required to buy or sell a home. This makes some future homebuyers unsure whether it’s worth the cost. To learn how a home inspection can bring huge benefits now and in the future, consider the following.

Inspections Reveal Safety Issues

Home inspectors are trained to spot issues that aren’t immediately obvious to homebuyers. These could include problems ranging from mold growth or carbon monoxide to foundation cracks or trouble with electrical systems.

Unfortunately, some problems could pose a safety risk to you and your family in your new home. A home inspection can reveal safety issues before the house is sold and give buyers peace of mind when moving in.

Inspections Reveal Legal Issues

In some cases, previous homeowners may have made additions to the home without securing the proper permits. Unfortunately, this can cause delayed issues for the new homeowner.

A buyer may face problems obtaining home insurance, be forced to pay to fix the code violations, or have to pay higher property taxes. Home inspections warn buyers of these issues in advance so they can avoid buying the property or correct the problem before finalizing the purchase.

Inspections Help Clarify Future Costs

A home inspector can estimate the age of the HVAC, plumbing, and electrical systems in the house. This information helps buyers understand how long it might take before they have to upgrade these systems. It also makes them better equipped to estimate and budget for future costs and leaves fewer surprises after the sale.

Inspections Determine Whether to Negotiate or Back Out

Sometimes, having an inspection and documenting serious issues in the home allows buyers to negotiate a lower price or request repairs before purchasing the property. If sellers are unwilling or unable to fix the problem, then many buyers decide to back out of the deal, especially if the contract includes a conditional sale clause.

Home Inspections Are an Investment, Not an Expense

It’s important for homebuyers to value inspections as more than just another expense or reason to open their wallets. Instead, it’s helpful to think of a home inspection as an investment. Not only does an inspection secure your family’s immediate safety, but it also protects you financially as time goes on.

If you want to give homebuyers the safety and peace of mind that comes with a thorough inspection, RocketCert can help! Contact our team to learn how you can get the education and exam prep you need to start a fulfilling career as a home inspector and help families in your local community thrive.