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author RocketCert Staff
date 04.24.2020

Just like in any other state, you have to have several hours of experience and a passing examination score to further your career as an independent plumbing contractor or journeyman in Washington state. The good news is that RocketCert lays out all the information so that it's easy to read, easy to access, and extremely reliable.

First things first, in the state of Washington, you will need to have 4 years of experience (or the equivalent of 8,000 hours) of working under a certified plumber. This plumber that you work for should have reached journey-level status prior to you working for him or her. In addition to these 4 years, you will need to have 2 years of experience, or 4,000 hours, working in a commercial plumbing setting. The state of Washington also requires you to have 16 hours of continuing education that is approved by the state before you take your examination.

When you apply for the exam, you will need to send a check for $151.90 along with your paperwork. Unfortunately, the exam is closed-book, so study up! Consider using the Uniform Plumbing Code of 2015 as a reference or study guide. The general topics on this exam are technical and general trade knowledge, code application knowledge for waste and vents, and code application for water piping. You will need to score at least a 70% on the exam to be considered for a license application.

Now that you have aced your exam, it’s time to apply for your plumbing contractor license! In order to do so, mail your application to the following address:

Department of Labor & Industries
Plumber Certification Section
P.O. Box 44470
Olympia, WA 98504-4470

Fun fact: there is a reciprocity of your new plumbing license in Idaho. This is restricted to journey-level only. To keep your license valid throughout your entire plumbing career, you will need to receive 16 hours of continuing education at every renewal period.
Good luck on your future career, and know that RocketCert is here for all of your studying material, license application information, license renewal information, and much more within several scopes of work.