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author RocketCert Staff
date 01.17.2024

It’s not unusual to feel anxious about taking exams. Any time you face a test of your knowledge and skill, you may naturally worry about how you’ll perform. Although life is full of tests, especially when it comes to your professional pursuits, you can reduce the stress surrounding them with proper preparation.

When it comes to skilled trades, most states require professionals to obtain a license to operate legally, and this often entails state exams to prove your proficiency. 

If you’re interested in becoming a plumbing inspector or getting paid to inspect plumbing installations and alterations, you’ll first need a national certification from the International Code Council (ICC) to prove your qualifications.

This means taking the P1 (residential) or P2 (commercial) Plumbing Inspector Exam and possibly meeting other criteria for your state of residence or operation. What should you expect from the exam, and how can you ensure a passing score?

Learn About State Requirements

Every state has its own requirements when it comes to issuing licenses for skilled trades like construction, electrical, and plumbing. Although the ICC is a nationally recognized organization when it comes to standards for inspecting building components, passing their exam isn’t always enough to secure your inspector license.

For this reason, it’s important to take the time to check in with your local or state licensing board to ensure you are aware of all requirements. Your state may have additional financial or legal requirements, and you might have to apply for a license before you take your exam.

Once you acquire your license, your state may require continuing education and periodic license renewal. When obtaining and maintaining a professional license, it’s essential that you know what’s expected so you can reach your goals.

What’s on the Exam?

Exams are designed to test your knowledge and skill in your chosen field. Preparing is easier when you have some idea of what will be on a test. The Residential Plumbing Inspector – P1 Exam covers topics like:

  • General requirements
  • Water supply and distribution
  • Water heaters
  • Fixtures
  • Vents
  •  Sanitary drainage

The Commercial Plumbing Inspector – P2 Exam covers the same topics from a commercial perspective and also includes interceptors, traps, separators, storage and systems special piping, as well as storm drainage.

Both tests are open-book and consist of 60 questions. You will have to answer at least 75% (or 45 questions) correctly to pass the exam. The P1 exam is two hours long, while those taking the P2 exam will have 2.5 hours to complete the test.

Finding the Right Exam Prep Program

As a working professional, you’ll want to find an exam prep program tailored to your needs. An online program that offers the convenience of self-paced learning and 24/7 access to materials is ideal. 

Since you won’t be allowed to access online materials during testing, you’ll want a program bundle that includes physical reference materials (code books) and tabbing guides to help you prepare.

RocketCert has just what you need to move ahead in your career and obtain a P1 or P2 Plumbing Inspector License. Contact us today to get started.